I'm going to reinstall WinPcap for the time being, but will of course try out whatever you suggest, and will send more docmentation upon request. On a 64-bit version of Windows, the installer also installs libraries in C:WindowsSysWOW64Npcap, for the benefit of 32-bit programs. I tried both, installing npcap in "WinPcap API-compatible mode", and in non-compatible mode.Accessing the internet from Windows works in any case, so the problem seems to occur with the virtual adapter(s), only.Connection to Archlinux guest thereafter succeeds even without Wireshark running, until Windows is rebooted.
(You can verify the signature by yourself.) Win10Pcap Update Information. Pings are now seen in Wireshark, and pings are now responded by Archlinux guest. Win10Pcap Windows 32bit and 64bit Installer (1.35 MB) Release Date: OctoThis download package (.msi file) is digitally signed by a certificate by VeriSign. Stopping the VNET1 trace and starting a second time resolves the network problem.Tracing the VNET1 adapter with Wireshark does not help the VNET1 network.Tracing the WLAN adapter with Wireshark works but does not help the VNET1 network. For 14 years, WinPcap was the standard libpcap package for Windows.A ping to Archlinux ( succeeds in every scenartio with WinPCap, but is blocked (timeout) with npcap.So it is not shutdown across (re-)installs, or Windows reboots.

from the menu, thus you will get a NetGroup Packet Filter Driver Properties window.

Then uninstall WinPCap, and install npcap again, and the problem is back. I uninstalled npcap and reinstalled WinPCap, and everthing works as desired. Since changing to npcap, the Archlinux VMWare guest cannot be reached from the Windows host until Wireshark is started and a trace of the VNET1 adapter is started twice! This all worked fine until I changed from WinPCap 4.1.3 to npcap 1.10.